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Hunyuan-DiT: A Powerful Multi-Resolution Diffusion Transformer with Fine-Grained Chinese Understanding

Zhimin Li, Jianwei Zhang, Qin Lin, Jiangfeng Xiong, Yanxin Long, Xinchi Deng, Yingfang Zhang, Xingchao Liu, Minbin Huang, Zedong Xiao, Dayou Chen, Jiajun He, Jiahao Li, Wenyue Li, Chen Zhang, Rongwei Quan, Jianxiang Lu, Jiabin Huang, Xiaoyan Yuan, Xiaoxiao Zheng, Yixuan Li, Jihong Zhang, Chao Zhang, Meng Chen, Jie Liu, Zheng Fang, Weiyan Wang, Jinbao Xue, Yangyu Tao, Jianchen Zhu, Kai Liu, Sihuan Lin, Yifu Sun, Yun Li, Dongdong Wang, Mingtao Chen, Zhichao Hu, Xiao Xiao, Yan Chen, Yuhong Liu, Wei Liu, Di Wang, Yong Yang, Jie Jiang, Qinglin Lu

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Abstract: We present Hunyuan-DiT, a text-to-image diffusion transformer with fine-grained understanding of both English and Chinese. To construct Hunyuan-DiT, we carefully design the transformer structure, text encoder, and positional encoding. We also build from scratch a whole data pipeline to update and evaluate data for iterative model optimization. For fine-grained language understanding, we train a Multimodal Large Language Model to refine the captions of the images. Finally, Hunyuan-DiT can perform multi-turn multimodal dialogue with users, generating and refining images according to the context. Through our holistic human evaluation protocol with more than 50 professional human evaluators, Hunyuan-DiT sets a new state-of-the-art in Chinese-to-image generation compared with other open-source models. Code and pretrained models are publicly available at

Submitted to arXiv on 14 May. 2024

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