More on discrete convexity

AI-generated keywords: Discrete convexity

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  • The paper explores the extension of convex analysis concepts to discrete sets.
  • It focuses on the relationship between local and global minima in convex functions and how this extends to certain discrete objects.
  • The authors introduce the concept of very weakly hereditary families within the context of convexity.
  • Various examples related to directed and non-directed graphs, complete edge-chromatic graphs, and two-person game forms are discussed.
  • The paper touches upon the ∆-conjecture which has important implications for understanding graph structures within discrete convexity.
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Authors: Vladimir Gurvich, Mariya Naumova

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: In several recent papers some concepts of convex analysis were extended to discrete sets. This paper is one more step in this direction. It is well known that a local minimum of a convex function is always its global minimum. We study some discrete objects that share this property and provide several examples of convex families related to graphs and to two-person games in normal form.

Submitted to arXiv on 19 Jun. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2306.10948v3

, , , , The paper "More on discrete convexity" by Vladimir Gurvich and Mariya Naumova delves into the extension of concepts from convex analysis to discrete sets. The authors build upon previous research in this area to explore the relationship between local and global minima in convex functions and how this property extends to certain discrete objects. They focus on identifying discrete objects that exhibit similar properties to convex functions, particularly in relation to graphs and two-person games in normal form. In a significant contribution, the authors introduce the concept of very weakly hereditary families within the context of convexity. This modification is explored further in specific subsections of the paper, highlighting its relevance and implications for understanding discrete convexity. The paper also discusses various examples related to directed and non-directed graphs, complete edge-chromatic graphs, and two-person game forms. By surveying known results and deriving new ones, the authors provide valuable insights into the application of discrete convexity in different domains. Notably, they discuss the modular decomposition of Π- and ∆-free d-graphs and its significance in positional n-person games modelled by trees. Furthermore, "More on discrete convexity" touches upon the intriguing ∆-conjecture which posits that all CIS d-graphs are Gallai's or do not contain ∆ as a subgraph. This conjecture has important implications for understanding graph structures within the context of discrete convexity. Overall, "More on discrete convexity" offers a comprehensive exploration of extending convex analysis concepts to discrete sets, providing valuable insights into the properties of discrete objects related to graphs and two-person games. The paper contributes significantly to advancing our understanding of convexity principles in a discrete setting.
Created on 20 Jun. 2024

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