Abstracting Imperfect Information Away from Two-Player Zero-Sum Games
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- Nayyar et al. (2013) introduced the concept of abstracting imperfect information from common-payoff games by having players publicly announce their policies as they play
- This insight has been crucial in developing effective solvers and decision-time planning algorithms for common-payoff games
- Applying this approach to two-player zero-sum games without proper consideration leads to a failure in producing Nash equilibria that correspond to those of the original game
- Current decision-time planning algorithms for two-player zero-sum games require complex additional mechanisms with undesirable properties
- Sokota et al. demonstrated that certain regularized equilibria do not suffer from the non-correspondence problem observed with Nash equilibria
- Treating the computation of these regularized equilibria as perfect information problems provides a simplified framework for decision-time planning in two-player zero-sum games
- These regularized equilibria can be made arbitrarily close to Nash equilibria, ensuring effectiveness in practice
- The findings open up new possibilities for solving two-player zero-sum games and offer an alternative to existing decision-time planning approaches burdened by unappealing properties
- The research team's work significantly contributes to advancing our understanding of game theory and provides valuable insights for designing efficient algorithms in competitive settings
Authors: Samuel Sokota, Ryan D'Orazio, Chun Kai Ling, David J. Wu, J. Zico Kolter, Noam Brown
Abstract: In their seminal work, Nayyar et al. (2013) showed that imperfect information can be abstracted away from common-payoff games by having players publicly announce their policies as they play. This insight underpins sound solvers and decision-time planning algorithms for common-payoff games. Unfortunately, a naive application of the same insight to two-player zero-sum games fails because Nash equilibria of the game with public policy announcements may not correspond to Nash equilibria of the original game. As a consequence, existing sound decision-time planning algorithms require complicated additional mechanisms that have unappealing properties. The main contribution of this work is showing that certain regularized equilibria do not possess the aforementioned non-correspondence problem -- thus, computing them can be treated as perfect information problems. Because these regularized equilibria can be made arbitrarily close to Nash equilibria, our result opens the door to a new perspective on solving two-player zero-sum games and, in particular, yields a simplified framework for decision-time planning in two-player zero-sum games, void of the unappealing properties that plague existing decision-time planning approaches.
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