A Lunar Backup Record of Humanity

Authors: Carson Ezell, Alexandre Lazarian, Abraham Loeb

arXiv: 2209.11155v2 - DOI (physics.soc-ph)
12 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in the journal "Signals" (2022)
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: The risk of a catastrophic or existential disaster for our civilization is increasing this century. A significant motivation for a near-term space settlement is the opportunity to safeguard civilization in the event of a planetary-scale disaster. A catastrophic event could destroy the significant cultural, scientific, and technological progress on Earth. However, early space settlements can preserve records of human activity by maintaining a backup data storage system. The backup can also store information about the events leading up to the disaster. The system would improve the ability of early space settlers to recover our civilization after collapse. We show that advances in laser communications and data storage enable the development of a data storage system on the lunar surface with a sufficient uplink data rate and storage capacity to preserve valuable information about the achievements of our civilization and the chronology of the disaster.

Submitted to arXiv on 22 Sep. 2022

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