Peculiaridades de la Economia islandesa en los albores del siglo XXI
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- Iceland played a significant role in the global financial crisis of 2008
- The economic structure and policies of Iceland contributed to the crisis
- The article provides an overview of the Icelandic economy and its financial history, with a focus on the early twenty-first century
- Reasons for Iceland's economic collapse are analyzed, including reliance on a few key industries and overreliance on foreign investment
- The case of Icesave, an online banking subsidiary of Landsbanki that collapsed during the financial crisis leaving many foreign investors without their savings, is examined
- The impact of this crisis on Iceland's international reputation is discussed, particularly in relation to foreign investors and legal disputes arising from government measures taken to address the country's bankruptcy
- Valuable insights into the unique challenges faced by Iceland during the global financial crisis are offered, highlighting important lessons for other countries facing similar circumstances
- Diversifying economies and avoiding overreliance on any one industry or source of investment is emphasized as crucial.
Authors: I. Martin-de-Santos
Abstract: Se repasa brevemente la historia y las finanzas islandesas de manera diacr\'onica. Se presenta a Islandia como basti\'on del estallido de la crisis financiera internacional que comienza a gestarse a principios del siglo XXI y cuyo origen se hace evidente en la fecha simb\'olica del a\~no 2008. Se analizan las razones fundamentales de esta crisis, centrandonos en las particularidades de la estructura econ\'omica islandesa. Se consideran las diferencias y parecidos de esta situaci\'on en relaci\'on a algunos otros pa\'ises en similares circunstancias. Se estudia el caso del banco Icesave. Se considera la repercusi\'on que la crisis experimentada por Islandia tiene en el \'ambito internacional, especialmente en los inversores extranjeros y en los conflictos jur\'idicos surgidos a ra\'iz de las medidas adoptadas por el gobierno island\'es para sacar al pa\'is de la bancarrota. -- Icelandic history and diachronically finances are briefly reviewed. Iceland is presented as a bastion of the outbreak of the global financial crisis begins to take shape in the early twenty-first century and whose origin is evident in the symbolic date of 2008. The main reasons for this crisis are analyzed, focusing on the particularities of Iceland's economic structure. The differences and similarities of this in relation to some other countries in similar circumstances are considered. Bank Icesave case is studied. The impact of the crises experienced by Iceland has in the international arena, especially foreign investors and legal disputes arising out of actions taken by the Icelandic government to pull the country out of bankruptcy is considered.
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