Structure and size of the plastic zone formed during nanoindentation of a metallic glass

Authors: Karina E. Avila, Stefan Küchemann, Herbert M. Urbassek

Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Volume 523, (2019), 119593
arXiv: 1908.10912v1 - DOI (physics.comp-ph)
5 pages, 4 figures

Abstract: Using molecular dynamics simulation, we study the plastic zone created during nanoindentation of a large CuZr glass system. The plastic zone consists of a core region, in which virtually every atom undergoes plastic rearrangement, and a tail, where the density distribution of the plastically active atoms decays to zero. Compared to crystalline substrates, the plastic zone in metallic glasses is significantly smaller than in crystals. The so-called plastic-zone size factor, which relates the radius of the plastic zone to the contact radius of the indenter with the substrate, assumes values around 1, while in crystals -- depending on the crystal structure -- values of 2--3 are common. The small plastic zone in metallic glasses is caused by the essentially homogeneous deformation in the amorphous matrix, while in crystals heterogeneous dislocations prevail, whose growth leads to a marked extension of the plastic zone.

Submitted to arXiv on 28 Aug. 2019

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