Bengali text summarization by sentence extraction
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- The paper discusses text summarization, which involves selecting significant portions of information from one or more texts to produce a summary.
- The author focuses on the lack of attempts made for Bengali text summarization.
- The paper presents a method for extracting important sentences from a Bengali document to generate a summary.
- Many techniques have been developed for English text summarization, but there is a need for similar efforts in other languages such as Bengali.
- This research aims to bridge this gap and provide an effective way of generating summaries in the Bengali language.
- The study was published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information Management (ICBIM-2012), held at NIT Durgapur, PP 233-245.
Authors: Kamal Sarkar
Abstract: Text summarization is a process to produce an abstract or a summary by selecting significant portion of the information from one or more texts. In an automatic text summarization process, a text is given to the computer and the computer returns a shorter less redundant extract or abstract of the original text(s). Many techniques have been developed for summarizing English text(s). But, a very few attempts have been made for Bengali text summarization. This paper presents a method for Bengali text summarization which extracts important sentences from a Bengali document to produce a summary.
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