Detecting a Proxy for Potential Comorbid ADHD in People Reporting Anxiety Symptoms from Social Media Data

AI-generated keywords: Comorbid ADHD Anxiety Symptoms Social Media Data Transformers Misdiagnosis

AI-generated Key Points

  • Study aimed at elucidating the connection between anxiety and ADHD
  • Utilized Transformers for a task not achievable with keyword-based classifiers
  • Method for visualizing classifier to understand relationship between anxiety and ADHD
  • Data collected from online forums dedicated to anxiety and ADHD (subreddits)
  • Subset identified as proxy for individuals with comorbid conditions
  • Transformer architecture achieved 76% accuracy in classifying posts, compared to under 60% for keyword-based model
  • Feasibility of leveraging social media data to detect proxies for potential comorbid ADHD in individuals reporting anxiety symptoms
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Authors: Claire S. Lee, Noelle Lim, Michael Guerzhoy

Forthcoming in Proc. of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (CLPsych) at EACL 2024
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: We present a novel task that can elucidate the connection between anxiety and ADHD; use Transformers to make progress toward solving a task that is not solvable by keyword-based classifiers; and discuss a method for visualization of our classifier illuminating the connection between anxiety and ADHD presentations. Up to approximately 50% of adults with ADHD may also have an anxiety disorder and approximately 30\% of adults with anxiety may also have ADHD. Patients presenting with anxiety may be treated for anxiety without ADHD ever being considered, possibly affecting treatment. We show how data that bears on ADHD that is comorbid with anxiety can be obtained from social media data, and show that Transformers can be used to detect a proxy for possible comorbid ADHD in people with anxiety symptoms. We collected data from anxiety and ADHD online forums (subreddits). We identified posters who first started posting in the Anxiety subreddit and later started posting in the ADHD subreddit as well. We use this subset of the posters as a proxy for people who presented with anxiety symptoms and then became aware that they might have ADHD. We fine-tune a Transformer architecture-based classifier to classify people who started posting in the Anxiety subreddit and then started posting in the ADHD subreddit vs. people who posted in the Anxiety subreddit without later posting in the ADHD subreddit. We show that a Transformer architecture is capable of achieving reasonable results (76% correct for RoBERTa vs. under 60% correct for the best keyword-based model, both with 50% base rate).

Submitted to arXiv on 17 Feb. 2024

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2403.05561v1

In their study titled "Detecting a Proxy for Potential Comorbid ADHD in People Reporting Anxiety Symptoms from Social Media Data," authors Claire S. Lee, Noelle Lim, and Michael Guerzhoy present a novel task aimed at elucidating the connection between anxiety and ADHD. They utilize Transformers to make progress in solving a task that is not achievable with keyword-based classifiers. The researchers also discuss a method for visualizing their classifier to shed light on the relationship between anxiety and ADHD presentations. is a common occurrence among individuals with . However, it can often go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to overlapping symptoms. In order to better understand this relationship and improve diagnostic approaches, the researchers collected data from online forums dedicated to anxiety and ADHD (subreddits). By identifying posters who initially posted in the Anxiety subreddit and later began posting in the ADHD subreddit as well, they established a subset of individuals who likely transitioned from experiencing anxiety symptoms to recognizing potential ADHD symptoms. This subset served as a proxy for individuals with comorbid conditions. Using advanced machine learning techniques like , the researchers fine-tuned a Transformer architecture-based classifier. This classifier was trained to differentiate between individuals who started posting in both subreddits versus those who only posted in the Anxiety subreddit without later engaging with the ADHD subreddit. The results showed that the Transformer architecture achieved reasonable accuracy, correctly classifying posts at a rate of 76% using RoBERTa compared to under 60% accuracy for the best keyword-based model. Overall, this study demonstrates the feasibility of leveraging social media data to detect proxies for potential comorbid ADHD in individuals reporting anxiety symptoms. Through their research on , the authors have shed light on the complex relationship between anxiety and ADHD. This has important implications for potential and treatment approaches, as patients presenting with anxiety symptoms may also have undiagnosed ADHD. By utilizing advanced machine learning techniques, researchers can enhance understanding of these conditions and improve diagnostic approaches for better patient outcomes.
Created on 16 Apr. 2024

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