Diffusion-based Neural Network Weights Generation

AI-generated keywords: Transfer learning

AI-generated Key Points

  • Transfer learning is crucial in deep learning research for faster convergence and improved performance on new tasks
  • Effectiveness of transfer learning depends on similarity between source and target datasets
  • Common practice of blindly selecting pretrained models can be costly
  • Proposed approach introduces efficient and adaptive transfer learning scheme through dataset-conditioned pretrained weights sampling
  • Utilizes latent diffusion model combined with variational autoencoder to reconstruct neural network weights and learn distribution of pretrained weights conditioned on each dataset
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Authors: Bedionita Soro, Bruno Andreis, Hayeon Lee, Song Chong, Frank Hutter, Sung Ju Hwang

14 pages
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Transfer learning is a topic of significant interest in recent deep learning research because it enables faster convergence and improved performance on new tasks. While the performance of transfer learning depends on the similarity of the source data to the target data, it is costly to train a model on a large number of datasets. Therefore, pretrained models are generally blindly selected with the hope that they will achieve good performance on the given task. To tackle such suboptimality of the pretrained models, we propose an efficient and adaptive transfer learning scheme through dataset-conditioned pretrained weights sampling. Specifically, we use a latent diffusion model with a variational autoencoder that can reconstruct the neural network weights, to learn the distribution of a set of pretrained weights conditioned on each dataset for transfer learning on unseen datasets. By learning the distribution of a neural network on a variety pretrained models, our approach enables adaptive sampling weights for unseen datasets achieving faster convergence and reaching competitive performance.

Submitted to arXiv on 28 Feb. 2024

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2402.18153v1

, , , , Transfer learning is a crucial topic in deep learning research, as it allows for faster convergence and improved performance on new tasks. However, the effectiveness of transfer learning heavily relies on the similarity between the source and target datasets. Training a model on numerous datasets can be costly, leading to the common practice of blindly selecting pretrained models with hopes of achieving good performance on a given task. To address these limitations, a novel approach has been proposed that introduces an efficient and adaptive transfer learning scheme through dataset-conditioned pretrained weights sampling. This approach utilizes a latent diffusion model combined with a variational autoencoder to reconstruct neural network weights and learn the distribution of pretrained weights conditioned on each dataset. The key idea behind this approach is to leverage the learned distribution of neural network weights from various pretrained models to enable adaptive sampling for unseen datasets. By training the diffusion model on a diverse set of pretrained weights, this method facilitates faster convergence and competitive performance when applied to new datasets. In summary, this innovative approach aims to enhance transfer learning by utilizing dataset-conditioned pretrained weights sampling through a latent diffusion model. By learning from a variety of pretrained models, this method enables adaptive weight sampling for unseen datasets, ultimately improving convergence speed and overall performance compared to traditional approaches.
Created on 16 Apr. 2024

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